branch Etymology, origin and meaning of branch by etymonline

The meaning “local office of a business” is recorded by 1817, from the earlier sense of “component part of a system” . Brent is a Senior Product Manager for the version control portfolio at Perforce. He loves being at the intersection of customers and software development teams, especially when there are hard problems to diagnose and solve. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, and cheering on his favorite local sports teams.

  • Software branching creates a relationship between the branch and the codeline the branch originated from.
  • Branch Many figures of speech in Scripture used to illustrate spiritual truth are taken from agriculture.
  • A tributary stream or any stream that is not a large river or a bayou.
  • The judicial branch of government; the branch of medicine called neurology.
  • Many banks have promoted online services and closed branches.
  • In the beginning the business was highly specialized, but it has since branched out.

A divergent section of a river, especially near the mouth. A division of a family, categorized by descent from a particular ancestor. Streets branch off from both sides of the highway.

CI/CDis to have a single mainline. This ensures the mainline is always buildable and can be reused. To protect the mainline, all commits have to be high quality. Use code reviews and pre-commit CI as part of your build and test process.

Branch Sentence Examples

The word branch has many other senses as a noun and a verb. The company operates in 18 states and has 45 branch offices. A woody branch of a tree that grows out from a larger limb or from the trunk. In Romans 11 Paul draws attention to grafting a branch into a stock. Normally, a farmer takes a wild root or stock and grafts into it a cultivated scion.

definition of branch

Branch accounting can result in a large chart of accounts, since a separate account coding structure must be maintained for each operating unit. Since the chart of accounts must be maintained, branch accounting can require extra staff to be added to the accounting department. Consequently, it should only be used if management intends to take concrete actions as a result of the information produced by the system. Every version control system has its own approach to code branching and merging. What some of these systems — likeGit, TFS,SVN, and Clearcase for example — have in common is that they do not systematically track the relationships between branches.

of company

A cost center is a function within an organization that does not directly add to profit but still costs an organization money to operate. A cottage industry is a small-scale manufacturing business owned and operated by an individual or a family and often based in a home. In more rural areas, it may make sense to operate fewer branches which are further apart.

definition of branch

A local operating division of a business, library, etc. Computers To relinquish control to another set of instructions or another routine as a result of the presence of a branch. A sequence of program instructions to which the normal sequence of instructions relinquishes control, depending on the value of certain variables.

synonym study for branch

You’ll be amazed how easy it is to learn Java and write powerful cross-platform applications when writing your first Java program… The rise of AI-assisted workflows will facilitate software development security amid growing open source vulnerabilities, but … One of the streams into which a river or large creek may divide, usually near the mouth. The “limb of a tree” sense is peculiar to English. Copying up brings the resulting merge — with all conflicts resolved — from the child branch back to the parent branch.

definition of branch

Learn how to right-size EC2 … Although modern software systems can be inordinately complex, architects can still use simple napkin math to glean quick … GitHub Actions required workflows and configuration variables can reduce duplicate configuration code and shore up policy …

Not every word that ends with the exact letters –branch, such as anabranch or disbranch. Learn why disbranch means “to break a branch from a tree” at our entry for the word. A scientific term that features the form –branch is opisthobranch, “any gastropod mollusk of the order Opisthobranchia,” such as sea slugs. Unlike a quasi-judicial agency, this quasilegislative agency was neither independent of the executive, the judicial, nor the legislative branch, respectively. A gap between sparsely and profusely branched trees was apparent. Periods of maps on trees with all branching points fixed.

Definition Branch Context Menu

For a complete Scripture study system, try SwordSearcher Bible Software, which includes the unabridged version of this dictionary. Includes tens of thousands of topical, encyclopedic, dictionary, and commentary entries all linked to verses, fully searchable by topic or verse reference. A division of a main stem, supporting the leaves and fructification. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.

While –branch doesn’t have any variants, it is related to the combining form branchio–, as in branchiostegous. Read our Words That Use article for branchio-. A combining form for forming nouns and adjectives that denote gill formations or animals having gill formations. A line of family descent stemming from a particular ancestor, as distinguished from some other line or lines from the same stock; a division of a family. By sophomore year, students can branch out into other areas of the music school or the university in general to broaden their education.

The former tries to delay some computations while the second drives different computations through a tree of branching paths. We drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road . The company has branched into the multimedia market. Part of the path branches off toward the river. A store, bank, or other organization that is part of a larger group and is located in a different part of a geographic area from the parent organization.

Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. My uncle’s branch of the family emigrated to Canada. The aim is to bring together researchers from different branches of geography. Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app. He is a former chairman of the Belfast branch of the National Union of Journalists.

The advantage of this strategy is that merging down gives you a preview of what the parent codeline will look like once you’ve copied back to the parent. This preview can also be tested in isolation before being copied back to the parent. Merging down and copying up is a best practice that keeps code stable. Merging down is merging code from a parent branch into a work-in-progress branch. It is also called a child branch.

It has a large home office and the branch offices are typically run by individual investment representatives. There’s no universal model a branch office setup may take on, but many are located based on geographic need. definition of branch This is most common when considering service-based entities such as chain restaurants, banks, and retailers. In rural areas with less dense populations, branch offices are likely to be scattered farther apart.

Oenophiles looking to branch out will love the personalized selections in these monthly boxes. Secondly, over time, antibodies branch out and target different parts of the virus as an insurance policy against mutations the virus is generating. The shooting sent the Edmondson Westside High School and a branch of Pratt Library, located across the street, into lockdown briefly while police investigated. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. The sicula is not visible; one first-order branch divides quickly producing two second-order stipes with five and seven autothecae respectively.

Other definitions for branch (2 of

A division of a business or other organization. Anatomy An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure, especially that of a nerve, blood vessel, or lymphatic vessel; a ramus. In the beginning the business was highly specialized, but it has since branched out. Some of the river’s smaller branches flooded after the heavy rains. Is a service that touches every person in the country, every residence, and every business.

Word Origin for branch

A branch is a copy of a codeline, managed in a version control system . Branching helps software development teams work in parallel. It separates out “in-progress work” from tested and stable code.

Words related to branch

All branches of government are having to cut costs. A geographically separate unit of an activity which performs all or part of the primary functions of the parent activity on a smaller scale. Unlike an annex, a branch is not merely an overflow addition. A secondary outgrowth or subdivision of a main axis, such as the tine of a deer’s antlers. Branch is a common word that most often means a tree limb or something that splits off from a main part. In a more figurative sense, branch is used to mean a division of a main group or organization.

The codebase in a VCS is often referred to as the trunk, baseline, master, or mainline. Perforce uses the term mainline. Developers create branches –– originating either directly or indirectly from the mainline ­­–– to experiment in isolation. This keeps the overall product stable. It is a best practice to update these working branches with changes in related codelines.

What is a basic definition of branch?

They can also cater to and be more informed about the needs of specific locations, rolling out location-specific items or adjusting staff. If you play soccer every day after school and you want to “branch out” athletically, you might consider playing tennis. You might turn onto a little road that branches off a main one. A branch of a river is called a tributary. A branch is a protruding part of a tree, something that juts out from a main part, or a division of a group or organization.

A new faction that branched off from an established political party. To put forth a branch or branches; spread by dividing. The instructions executed as the result of such a passing of control. Mathematics A part of a curve that is separated, as by discontinuities or extreme points.