When choosing an information room, be sure you look for two-factor authentication. This prevents unauthorized users from getting at the data room, and is a common feature provided by many vendors. The additional reliability measure aids in averting password theft, when requiring users to enter one much more code or perhaps information in the eventuality of account compromise. Two-factor authentication is also attractive preventing username and password theft because it reduces the chance of password fraud. Besides security passwords, two-factor authentication helps safeguard files by simply requiring users to enter a secret code that is dispatched via TEXT or email.
Another important reliability measure is the use of active watermarking, which overlays an image or text over a document’s contents. This prevents not authorized viewing of confidential documents. A safeguarded spreadsheet viewer allows multiple users to access the spreadsheet, while others are only able to view the watermarked release. Another protection measure certainly is the use of customer-managed encryption keys, which enable administrators to control which in turn users currently have dataroomguide.info/types-of-digital-rights-management-and-how-they-work use of sensitive data. Users also can revoke access rights whenever they want.
VDRs can provide additional reliability features that reduce human error. Several VDRs provide “view as” tools to verify what users can see. Moreover, review logs allow administrators to all activity within the info room. They will can also track how long each report is viewed and by which. This avoids unnecessary stress. To further protect against potential security issues, ensure that users are aware of the length of time the data files were seen, and that the correct permissions are in place.